Melchioni Ready Melchioni Ready
Melchioni Ready Melchioni Ready
Via Pietro Colletta, 37 20135 Milano Milano Italy
+39 02 4948 6000 customer service

Discover Skyworks Products on Melchioni Electronics

Explore our latest partnership with Skyworks Solutions and discover a new level of wireless connectivity, industrial and automotive isolations and timing excellence.

Experience the Future of Connectivity with Skyworks

Welcome to a world of unparalleled connectivity. We are pleased to introduce our latest product range in partnership with Skyworks Solutions. As leaders in the field, Skyworks empowers the wireless networking revolution, connecting people, places, and things globally. Their innovative analog semiconductors are at the forefront of communication platform breakthroughs, revolutionizing the way we live, work, and communicate. With a diverse product portfolio and extensive technological expertise, Skyworks is committed to "Connecting Everyone and Everything, All the Time."

Explore Our Skyworks Product Line

Discover a suite of advanced components including Front-End Modules, Power Amplifiers, Antenna Switches, Low Noise Amplifiers, Antenna Diodes, and Cellular Modules. These products have been meticulously designed to optimize performance, enhance signal quality, and ensure reliable, uninterrupted connectivity. Embrace the future of wireless networking with Skyworks and our commitment to excellence. For detailed product information and inquiries, our dedicated team is ready to assist you in harnessing the power of Skyworks Solutions. Connect with us today and step into a new era of connectivity.

Skyworks range

Isolation and Power

Isolation and Power Safety, Noise, Level Layout Read more

As a trusted reseller, Melchioni Electronics proudly presents Skyworks' expertise in high voltage and superior isolation technologies. With a remarkable track record of over 300 million isolation channels in active field service, Skyworks' isolation portfolio serves a wide range of customers and applications, including industrial automation, transportation systems, home entertainment electronics, and medical systems. Skyworks' product lineup boasts isolation solutions with support for voltages up to 5 kV, encompassing digital isolators, isolated gate drivers, isolated analog and ADC components, industrial I/O offerings, and isolated FET families. Partner with Melchioni Electronics to access and integrate these industry-leading Skyworks products into your projects, ensuring top-notch safety and performance across a diverse spectrum of applications.

RF and Front-end Modules

RF and Front-end Modules Layout RF Read more

At Melchioni Electronics, we proudly bring you Skyworks' innovative and highly integrated front-end modules (FEM) that cater to your diverse design needs, offering options from ultra-high performance to cost-optimized solutions. Our collaboration with Skyworks allows you to access a wide range of FEMs that combine multiple RF functions into efficient, impactful packages. Additionally, explore our comprehensive portfolio of Skyworks' RF passives, providing cost-effective, space-efficient solutions for various applications, from wireless infrastructure to military and more. Choose Melchioni Electronics to access and integrate these cutting-edge Skyworks products into your projects, ensuring you stay at the forefront of RF technology.

Clocks and Timing

Clocks and Timing Layout Clock and Timing Read more

At Melchioni Electronics, we're proud to introduce Skyworks innovative range of clock and timing solutions. Skyworks patented technology seamlessly combines industry-leading frequency flexibility with the lowest jitter levels available, enabling us to offer quick-turn, customized solutions that streamline board design, eliminate discrete components, and optimize overall system performance. Explore our extensive portfolio, featuring crystal oscillators, clock generators, clock buffers, jitter attenuators, network synchronizers, and PCI Express (PCIe) clock generators and buffers, and experience unmatched excellence in the field of clock and timing technology.

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