Melchioni Ready Melchioni Ready
Melchioni Ready Melchioni Ready
Via Pietro Colletta, 37 20135 Milano Milano Italy
+39 02 4948 6000 customer service
Logo PEM | Power Electronic Measurement
Logo PEM | Power Electronic Measurement

PEM | Power Electronic Measurement

PEM | World leaders in the design and manufacture of wide-bandwidth current measuring devices based on Rogowski Technology.
PEM have numerous publications and patents relating to Rogowski technology. This in-depth knowledge enables PEM to provide a high level of technical support for our standard products and to offer our expertise in design and manufacture for custom applications.

PEM’s Rogowski current transducers have many benefits:

Simple to retro-fit, the clip-around Rogowski coil sensor is thin, lightweight, flexible and robust.
From the smallest: Coils small enough to fit between the legs of a TO-220 semi-conductor; To the largest: 20m coils to fit round a wind-turbine.
Non-Intrusive (presents the equivalent of only a few pH to the circuit under test).
Wide-bandwidth devices with predictable frequency response, ideal for power quality measurement or monitoring complex waveforms.
Intrinsically safe - No danger of an open circuit secondary.
Galvanic isolation.
Excellent linearity (Rogowski coils have no magnetic materials to saturate).
Capable of taking huge overload currents without damage.
Immune to DC Currents - as a result it can measure small AC currents in the presence of a large DC component

About PEM | Power Electronic Measurement and Melchioni

  • Authorized Distributor
  • Long term, direct relationship with PEM | Power Electronic Measurement
  • On field technicians
  • Capability to work on different markets: industrial, transportation, healthcare, aereospace, covering european customer needs
  • Melchioni works in reverse logistic also, managing reparation on faulty probes
  • Melchioni can accept orders of PEM products only from the following countries: Italy, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Czech Repubblic, Slovacchia, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, Romania

CWT Range of AC Current Probes

The CWT Rogowski current probe is suitable for measuring AC currents ranging from 300 milliamps to hundreds of kA from below 0.1Hz to >30MHz.

Discover all the range

CWT Standard products

CWT Standard

The CWT is a state-of-the art wide-bandwidth AC current probe with typical bandwidths in the range < 1Hz to 16MHz.

    Robust coils in lengths from 300mm to >1m
    Insulation Voltage 10kV peak
    Current Ratings 30A to 600kA
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CWT Mini / MiniHF products

CWT Mini / MiniHF

The CWT Mini & MiniHF are state-of-the art wide-bandwidth ac current probes with typical bandwidths in the range < 1Hz to 30MHz.

    Two Miniature Coil Sizes; 3.5mm (2kV) or 4.5mm (5kV)
    Current Ratings 30A to 120kA
    'HF' range optimised high frequency & voltage immunity
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CWT Mini50HF products

CWT Mini50HF

New - Special edition, screened coil, HF(-3dB) 50MHz for a 100mm circumference coil, peak current 30A to 3kA.

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CWT Ultra Mini products

CWT Ultra Mini

Maximum coil cross section of 1.7mm fits through the legs of a TO-220 semiconductor device.

    Bandwidth: fH(-3db) 30MHz
    Coil Size (Max. 1.7mm Cross Section)
    Insulation Voltage 1.2kV peak
    Current Ratings 30A to 6kA
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