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All Jauch Crystal Oscillators at a Glance

Discover the Comprehensive Range of Jauch Quartz Oscillators

This month, we're spotlighting the impressive range of oscillators from Jauch Quartz. Renowned for their precision and reliability, Jauch Quartz oscillators are perfect for various applications, from IoT devices to high-performance audio equipment. Let's dive into the specifics of their TCXO, VCTCXO, VCXO, and OCXO series.


TCXO and VCTCXO Series

Jauch's TCXO (Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator) and VCTCXO (Voltage Controlled Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator) series are designed for applications requiring tight frequency stability and continuous temperature compensation. Key features include:

  • Ideal for IoT and Navigation: Perfect for GPS (GNSS) applications due to their low phase noise and low power consumption
  • Stratum 3 Requirements: High-precision (VC)TCXO products meeting Stratum 3 standards
  • Versatile Options: Available in various packages and supply voltages to suit different design needs

VCXO Series

The VCXO (Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator) series by Jauch offers precise frequency control, making them suitable for a wide range of applications:

  • Wide Frequency Tuning Range: Features an (H)CMOS compatible output signal with a tuning range of ±120ppm
  • Versatility: Ideal for industries requiring stable and controlled timing, such as high-performance audio equipment and video processing devices

OCXO Series

Jauch’s OCXO (Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator) and VCOCXO (Voltage Controlled Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator) are known for their high stability:

  • Constant Temperature Operation: Utilizes an SC-cut crystal heated to a constant temperature for maximum stability.
  • Exceptional Performance: Offers low phase noise, excellent short-term stability, and low aging, making them ideal for applications needing a stable time reference.

Explore the Full Range of Jauch Oscillators

Jauch's oscillators come in a variety of package types, output signal types, and high stability options, covering a wide frequency range. Their robust design ensures precision and reliability for your electronic projects. Enhance your designs with Jauch’s superior oscillators